Thursday, July 24, 2014

November 30, 2012 Dream about Small Pox

November 30, 2012 Dream

 Smallpox-1806 and 1980

I had a strange dream and there was some type of ship people were trying to get to and into the ship.  I was trying to get in along with some others that were with me.  One was Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica which seemed strange.  There were other people trying to stop us from entering the ship and going to cut us off from entering.   I had some sort of the device that was specific to fitting into a slot that would do something with the ship and put us into Light speed.  There were two entrances to the ship, a main one and a small one on the other side.  We faked going to the main entrance to trick the people and I was able to slip into the very small back entrance.  I looked too small for me to go in, but I was able to fit into it.   

After entering the ship I was able to get this device in to the slot and when we did it they couldn't keep us from it any longer.  The people with me couldn’t tell me where we were going to but I did know we were going to a different dimension but we did not know where or what year we would end up or why we would go or what we needed to do but we need to go regardless. We needed to learn whatever it was we needed to learn is all I felt.  We got there and we're trying to find what we’re looking for and there was so much stuff I couldn't figure out what we needed to do.  All we saw was tons and tons of newspapers laid out on many, many tables which were too many to count.  It was a lot of newspapers but you could see headlines, gun adds, etc… and all of the newspapers were from different time periods from what I could tell.  Some of the Newspapers were very old and colored and some were new and colorful. 

I saw one that interested me, due to the picture on it and when looked at the date the date it was 1806.  This did not make sense to us at all but when I was checking the paper it was showing pictures of people which looked like they had bad chickenpox or smallpox. It still didn't make sense so we continued looking around and again there were more of these tables with so many different newspapers. I saw another paper and I picked it up and it seemed like I needed to because of something on there, but I can’t remember what, and the date was 1980 and then I woke up. 

I’ve been doing some research.  They call the vaccine for smallpox Smallpox-1806 from what I can tell.  Thomas Jefferson was involved with the vaccine.  Also, in 1980 they no longer used the vaccine and stated in a PBS article that Smallpox was eradicated. 

I did read that if Smallpox broke out today, they are saying Billions would die.   Lord, give us wisdom.
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was the English medical pioneer who made the connection between exposure to cowpox and smallpox immunity by experimenting with dairymaids. His much safer "vaccination" (Latin for "cow") method and a worldwide cooperative effort finally rid the world of smallpox by 1980, as predicted by his friend, Thomas Jefferson, who wrote to Jenner in 1806, "Future generations will know by history only that the loathsome smallpox existed and by you has been extirpated." Jefferson himself in 1801 did one of the first vaccinations in North America. He vaccinated his family and numerous neighbors as well as the last of the Mohicans, Native American Chief Little Turtle. Jefferson’s lancet still exists as an iconic medical artifact. The smallpox strains are also known to exist in two high-security research laboratories in Atlanta and Moscow.

WHO declares Smallpox eradicated.

I also did research on any other comparisons of the years 1806 and 1980.  I couldn't find anything of significance or related. 

If this dream is a warning of something coming, Smallpox could wipe out Billions of people.  1/3 of the world as prophesied in Revelation?  I don’t know, but we need to pray.

Brother Tyrone

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